What Happens When You Become Born Again

12 Things That Happen the Moment You Are Born-Once more


Being a truthful Christian is not something you can visibly meet. It is an internal, spiritual reality that evidences itself over the course of time. Merely because someone says they are a Christian doesn't mean they are, just for those who truly are built-in again, they enjoy several immediate (and amazing!) benefits.

  1. Your sins are forgiven. Everything wrong yous take always washed is removed from your permanent record. God will no longer count it against you. All debts are completely forgiven. (i John 1:9)
  2. You are justified before God. To be "justified" is a legal term that means to be alleged righteous in God's sight. Someone might ask, how can Godjustifyletting sinners into sky? Answer: Because of what Christ has done, our faults are not counted against usa, and therefore that decision is justified. Nosotros enjoy a right standing with God. (Romans 5:1)
  3. You are adopted into God's family. God is Father but to those who are brought into his family. Every laic who repents and has saving faith in Christ enjoys this condition, beingness adopted into the family of God as a dearest son or girl. Your Dad is the King of the universe! (John 1:12)
  4. You pass from darkness to calorie-free. There are two kingdoms at war: the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. When we are born again, nosotros pass from the rulership of the devil to the rulership of Christ. We are rescued from the domain of Satan and become partakers in God's kingdom. (Colossians 1:13)
  5. You are filled with the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit indwells every believer, granting them religion and the power to live a new life. This is evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit, equally God's work in our lives slowly makes us more than Christlike. (Ephesians 1:thirteen)
  6. You lot inherit eternal life. Nosotros usually call up of eternal life equally something we will experience later on, but the Bible teaches that nosotros receive eternal life at the moment of conversion. Every time eternal life is spoken of for Christians, information technology is done and then in the present tense—meaning it is a current, not future, reality. Though our bodies volition dice, our spirit is alive forever, and subsequently on will exist reunited with our resurrected physical bodies. (John iii:36)
  7. You move out from under God's wrath. Every bit sinners, all people are under God'southward just wrath. He is angry over our sin, and it offends him greatly. Just through our faith in Christ, nosotros move out from under God's wrath to being nether his eternal blessing. God becomes forever and ever for the states, non against usa. (John three:36)
  8. You are given Christ'due south righteousness. Non only are our sins forgiven, simply we are besides given the righteousness of Christ. This ways that the perfect, sinless life of Jesus is credited to our account. This has been called by somethe great exchange, because nosotros give God our worst and in response are given his best. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
  9. You are granted a place and reward in God's kingdom. Though we are close out from God's kingdom and presence because of our sin and rebellion, through faith in Christ we tin can exist welcomed back into it. Nosotros will forever be in God's presence, participating in kingdom life with all of the redeemed. (Matthew 25:34)
  10. Your eyes are opened to the beauty of God. Sin clouds our vision. Because of this we meet sin and think it looks wonderful, and in plow run across God and call up he looks tiresome. When we are born-again, however, the optics of our hearts are opened and we begin to truly see God for who he actually is: Creator, Father, Saviour, Treasure. (two Corinthians 4:iii-half dozen)
  11. Your sin nature is defeated. Without God'south intervention, sin rules over u.s.. We are slaves to its desires, unable to walk in holiness or please God at all. Merely through the new nascency, nosotros are new creations in Christ, and the rule of sin in our hearts is broken. Though we will continue to sin until we die and are glorified, the controlling power of sin is defeated, and we can overcome it through the help the Spirit provides. (Romans 6:11)
  12. Your conservancy is guaranteed. It would be a worrisome affair indeed if all of this were given to the states but was able, through some error of our own, to sideslip through our fingers and be lost. Simply the practiced news is that not but are all of these blessings bought for us by the blood of Christ, they are also secured for us past the claret of Christ. No one that belongs to Jesus will always be cast away by him. He will ensure that our faith endures to the end. (Philippians one:vi)

Nosotros certainly have much to thank God for. Take some time to meditate on these things, let it fill your heart with joy and peace and hope, and praise the God who loves y'all!


Source: https://canadianbibleguy.com/2017/01/25/12-things-that-happen-the-moment-you-are-born-again/

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